New Webinar July 17, 2020
Emerging Epidemiological determinants of COVID-19 in Africa: An analysis of Social, Cultural and infrastructural factors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has engulfed all continents, all four corners of the world, rich and poor countries, all socioeconomic classes, all races, all ethnic groups, the powerful and less powerful, rulers and the ruled. The COVID-19 virus practices extreme forms of equal opportunity, affirmative action, equality, sameness, democratic practices and freedom to be or not to be infected. You probably want to know some basic fact s, some information about the invisible but powerful particle.
Meeting ID | 970 6107 6276 |
Topic | Clinical and Public Health Perspectives on COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa |
Meeting Status | Scheduled for 05:00-06.15PM GMT on 2020-04-30, 2020-05-22, 2020-06-19 and 2020-07-17
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Start Time | Time 12:00PM ET; 09:00AM PT; 07:00PM EAST; 06:00PM SAT; 05:00PM GMT (Ghana) |
Time Zone | Time 12:00 – 1:00 ET; Check your local Time Zone here:
Duration | 115 minutes |
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For participants from Africa and all others outside the USA click on “Join Zoom Meeting” and enter the meeting ID. If you experience problems email Morris at or at Send questions in advance or post simultaneously during proceeding.
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Meeting ID: 970 6107 6276
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Meeting ID: 970 6107 6276